About Ock Health Occupational Health Brief Outline

Nationwide Screening

Occupational Health

Mission Statement

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Ock Health is an independent Occupational Health screening company. We have created a nationwide co-operative Occupational Health Service - a group of
like-minded professionals who are trained in Occupational Health and whose job is to ensure that each individual remains in the best possible health.

Each company is concerned about the welfare of its employees and knows that a healthy and fit workforce is also an efficient one. Our emphasis is on the prevention of disease and the promotion of good health. Our Aim in Ock Health is to predict potential health problems and to promote the physical, mental and social well being of each employee, customer and the community.

The Ock Health remote access responsive model has been developed to meet the changing needs of industry at minimum cost, yet provide a personalised, accessible and fully professional service across the UK.

All Occupational Health Advisors have a recognised qualification in Occupational Health and are registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council and hold individual professional indemnity via the Royal College of Nursing. Occupational Health Physicians are registered doctors holding an additional Occupational Health qualification preferably to Fellowship to the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.