Vision Tests for VDU (computer)
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations (1992) state that all VDU (computer) users are entitled to sight tests. The cost of these tests is to be borne by the employer.
is offering a Vision Screening Programme to help companies comply with this regulation. The test will identify those employees with defective vision whom need a full sight test by an ophthalmic optician. In particular, it will indicate whether their vision is defective at the normal viewing distance of 50 - 60cm from a VDU.
- Vision Screening is carried out on-site, so minimal working time is lost.
- All that is required is a room with a desk/table and a power outlet.
- Test duration per employee - 10 minutes.
- The Screen covers:
- Visual Acuity including far distance, near and middle
- Tunnel Vision - Colour Vision
- Eye and Muscle Co-ordination
- The company will be sent a written report containing the results, advice / concerns, and recommendation for referral to an optician if necessary. The employee’s rights to medical confidentiality will be respected.
Useful background information regarding the VDU legislation:
- Employees are requested to wear their glasses or contact lenses as usual or bring them to the test if they are not worn continuously.
- The percentage of VDU users failing the VDU (50-60cm) part of the vision test is typically 3%.
- If an employee fails the VDU (50-60cm) part of the vision test it is the responsibility of the company to send that person to an optician.
- If a VDU user requires glasses for their work then the company need only pay for a basic pair - typically £40 - £60