Established in 1998, supports employers across the U.K. in the field of preventative health care.
We are committed to the practical application of high quality occupational health services and the achievement of a client workforce that is ‘fit for work’.
No matter what his or her position, each employee plays a valuable part in the current and future success of the organisation. It makes good commercial sense to protect each individual, and the organisation as a whole, by helping to ensure that wherever possible the workforce remains healthy and fit to perform at maximum efficiency.
People are not always aware when their bodies are not performing, as they should. Minor ailments, left unchecked, may develop and prevent employees performing at their best.
When your staff are healthy the business benefits. Employees’ wellbeing and morale is improved and your company’s reputation as a caring employer is enhanced.
The Strategy for Workplace Health and Safety in Great Britain to 2010 and Beyond (HSC, 2004) emphasises its aim to protect people’s heath and safety by ensuring that risks in the workplace are properly controlled. The world of employment has dramatically changed since the implementation of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). Small and medium sized business (SMEs) may not have access to an Occupational Health service to assist with the implementation of change driven by European legislation. SMEs may not have the expertise available to cope with the health requirements of their employees. The recent report Working for a Healthier Tomorrow by Dame Carol Black (17th March 2008) has highlighted the need for an occupational health service to be available for all – not only in the workplace but in the community assisting individuals back into the workforce.
The message is "Work is good for your Health".