Health Risk Assessments
This is a comprehensive health surveillance service that will allow a large number of employees to be screened within a stringent budget.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) state that it is a legal requirement that Risk Assessments are carried out.
The Health Risk Assessment required by the company will depend upon the results of the Safety Audit. Due to the wide variety of substances, equipment and chemicals used in industry each company will have different requirements under health and safety legislation (e.g. COSHH (2002) Regulations).
aims to identify those individuals in high-risk groups who would benefit from further advice and referral to an appropriate specialist. An assessment of risk factors and advice for behavioural change is given, plus recommendations for medical follow up.
The report that follows is easy to understand and includes an explanation of the screening test performed.
Here are some of the typical requirements:
Administration Assistant: VDU Eye-sight test, Workstation assessment
Fork Lift Truck Driver: Medical history, Hearing test, Eye-sight test and Colour vision
Paint Sprayer: Lung-function test, Skin test, Hearing Test, Colour vision, HAVS test
Mechanic: Skin check, Hearing test, Lung-function test, HAVS test
Telephone Operator: VDU Eye-sight test, Hearing test
Food Handler: Medical history, Skin check.