Teacher Training Initial Teacher Training Health Screening

Initial Teacher Training

Health Screening


• Fitness to Teach
• Able to Teach

Contact Ock Health

Dear Applicant,

If you are enrolling on a Teacher Training programme you should have received a letter inviting you to complete a Health Declaration Questionnaire.

The Health Screening process is managed by Ock Health Ltd., an independent Occupational Health provider. Starting in 2008, an electronic questionnaire is being used. This is a confidential and secure system and full instructions are given when you click the links below (if you want, you can practice completing the form without any information being saved by using the Demo Questionnaire).

Your letter contains a unique identifier number which you will need to complete a standard electronic “Pre Employment” Questionnaire which is used for all applicants. It is called a Pre Employment Questionnaire because the same form is used for screening job applicants as well as teacher training applicants.

In the main questionnaire, where it asks for "Course Applied For", please select your course from the drop down list. (In the Demo questionnaire it says "Job Applied For"). Please enter the course code also, = PGS, PGP, BA, BAW, PCE

Ock Health Ltd (the Screening Service) will notify the University of the outcome of the screening of your health. All entrants to the teaching profession have to be confirmed as meeting the requirements of the Department of Health's ‘Fitness to Teach’ guidelines (see links on left). You will be informed if any significant issues arise and will receive confirmation when all conditions relating to your offer of a place have been met by the university.

The letter also explains that there is a flat fee which covers the cost of your form being processed. By submitting the form you indicate your acceptance of the process outlined above.

It is essential that all questions* are answered. If you do not know the answer, put ''don't know'' or ''n/a'' if not applicable. Failure to do so could delay your application. If you answer ‘yes’ to any question please provide additional information in the space provided. (* Immunisation information (Section 8) is not essential).

Now, if you are ready to start please click the Health Declaration Questionnaire link below. If you are unable to fully complete the form in one go, that is OK - you can save what you have entered and you can log back in later using your unique identifier number. The form will not be submitted until you hit the ‘submit’ button on the final page of the form.

If you have any difficulties, or are unclear about any part of the process, please email Ock Health Ltd (click the Contact Ock Health link).

Yours faithfully,
Susan Clarke, Managing Director, Ock Health Ltd.